Saturday, 11 May 2019



One person went out  home in search of God
Weedicides until and unless I meet the God I will not come back to home
Whenever he comes across any person he tries to ask him whether he has seen God with he has made God with the heroes where is the god

Some people tells that god is in temple god is in churche what is in mosque some people says that we have not seen at all some people say that god is everywhere

That person searches god is everywhere but he did not get it
did you remember that Gautam Buddha went to jungle of forest in search of God so he went out in search of God in jungle so I decided that I should go to watch jungle maybe I will get god there

He went to the jungle he think that he has got something but he is not the God it is wild animal so he escaped from them he ran away and try to save him from the wild animal

He starter searching God in the jungle he come across one person who is sitting nearby river and he ask him have you seen the God do you know where is the God

that person is a sage that person tell him that I have seen I can tell you that person says that can you see this long tree can you see the water in the river so he says that in each and every leaf of the tree we have God and each and every drop of the water we have god

but that person gets angry he says that when you don't know no where is the God why you are wasting my time why you are misguiding me

That's it again says that I will tell you another way after this jungle you will see desert if you cross the desert after the desert you will get to God

that person says maybe this person is wrong maybe this person is right but I don't have any option I will have to go there and search and I have search everywhere I did not get so I must believe on this person because I have left no place and turn for visited

Finish the jungle and he come across the desert then he start moving ahead ahead
After sometime he becomes tired I think that there is nothing to eat there is nothing to drink how will how  I will go ahead

I think that I am not crossed even 50% of a desert

How I am going to cross rest of the 50% with no water no no food

Whether person is very hungry and thirsty he could see there is a pot near the tree 
He is not sure that there can be water in that pot or not but he he tried to get that but as early as possible and he runs in the direction

Fortunately there is water in the pot
when is start drinking the water suddenly appears the God
God says that wait I am a God you want to meet me
That time that person says just a minute God I have to drink this water I am very thirsty

Then he drinks that water and after sometime he says that yes you are saying something
God says you were in search of me for all these days
But you drink water before you meet me
That person says I cannot believe that you are God because when I see you you can I see water I selected water that means water is very important for me

For me now onwards what is like God
Because water help me when I was in trouble
So I believe that there are things which will help you in your difficult time are your God

That god says I was telling the same thing when I met you in the form of sage in the jungle /forest

that time I told you that god is there in the leaf god is there in the drop of water but you don't believe Me

Right now you are telling that god is in the water and water is God

You are telling the same thing which I have told you
now that you have experience yourself you can believe otherwise many people were telling the same thing you did not believe

Those who are listening to this story those who are reading this story should tell me that if God announce that I don't have any power I don't have any right I don't have any authority and I cannot able to solve your problems immediately there is no use of worshipping me I have limited power

Then also you will pray the god there then also you'll worship the God some people will say that yes we will pray the god will worship God

However there is only one reason to pray the God how to worship the God that god will help us in our difficult time god will give a solution when we are in trouble

God will solve our problem that is the major expectation behind the the worship of the god and praying to the God

in our body thousands of activities are happening maybe more than that are these coordinated activities happening less magical thank God cannot be this considered as a God can this experience is less work then meeting God

When we are hungry when we are thirsty we get the food and we get the water to drink and fulfill our thirst and hunger

 is that experience less important than meeting God 

that experience is also as important as meeting, but we do not pay attention to we do not feel importance to that

I hope that from the story you will make changes in your life you will make your life better you will improve your life you will get lot of happiness in your life you will come close to the reality will come close to the truth of the life

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