Sunday, 6 December 2020

Influence of motivation on consumer buying behaviour

 Influence of motivation on consumer buying behaviour


                             QUESTION PAPER APRIL 2018    

                                    PUNE UNIVERSITY 

Top 20 points - motivation-

1.       It is basically a need sufficiently stimulated to move an individual to seek satisfaction.

2.       what is a motive? It can be defined as a drive or an urge for which an individual seeks sat isfaction.

3.       Motives are all those inner striving conditions variously described as wishes, desires, needs, drives, and the like.

4.       It is, thus, an inner urge that moves or prompts a person to some action.

5.       A consumer’s actions at any time are affected by a set of motives rather than just one motive. At a particular point in time, some motives in the set are stronger than others, but the strengths of motives vary from one time to another.

6.       A consumer buys a particular product because he is influenced by certain motives. Every human activity is motivated

7.       three of the important theories explaining consumer motivation. They are: (1) Psychoanalytic theory; (2) Gestalt theory; and, (3) Cognitive theory.

8.       You should realize that, the starting point in the purchase decision making process is the recognition of a need or buying motive. Why a person acts? The answer is, “As he experiences a need”. Motivation is of crucial importance in contributing to consumer decision making process. To understand why and how consumers buy, marketers must first grasp motivation. Motivation is related to expectations, needs, and wants.

9.       We know that, motives, which often operate at a subconscious level, are difficult to measure. People usually do not know what motivates them

10.   Individual purchases an article as a consequence of certain mental and economic forces creating desires or wants, which he understands can be satisfied by the articles offered for purchase.

11.   Marketers cannot reveal consumers’ motives by simply asking them questions. They need to undertake structured research to find out consumers’ motives.

12.   Thus, motivation research is to get the qualitative aspects of consumer behavior through psychological methods.

13.   Marketers come to know the hidden and unknown qualities, habits, attitudes of consumers through motivational research.

14.   motivation research is the currently popular term used to describe the use of psychological and  psychiatric techniques to obtain a better understanding of why people respond as they do to products, advertisements, and various other marketing situations.

 Major types of motivation research used in marketing are:

* Experience and Knowledge Technique

* Traditional or Questionnaire Technique

* Interview Technique, and

* Projective Techniques 

he major projective techniques used in marketing are: (a) word association test; (b) sentence completion test; (c) the thematic appreciation test; (d) paired picture test; (e) the cartoon test; and (f) psychodrama.


Motivational theories- Major theories

  1. 1.       Abraham Maslow theory
  2. 2.       Freud’s Theory
  3. 3.       Gestalt Theory of Motivation
  4. 4.       The Cognitive Theory of Motivation


Examples of influence of motivation on consumer buying behaviour

1.       a person’s motives toward having a cup of tea are much stronger during breakfast time than just before going to bed.

2.       an individual who is buying a television set might be attracted by several characteristics, such as brand name, design, and economy. If a marketer appeals to consumers by focusing only on one feature, his effort may fail to yield desired level of sales.

3.       For example, the manufacturer of a small car want to reveal the motives of people who buy and ride small cars. He may select a group of respondents, and give them an incomplete sentence like “people who drive small car ……..”, and request them to complete this incomplete sentence. The way respondents complete the sentence will reflect their motives.

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