Saturday 13 April 2019

Self instruction is most imp

Self instruction

Many times I have seen 99.99 percent of the people are giving suggestion to the others advice to the others recommendation to the others their opinion to the others their reviews to the others their warnings to the others their threatening to others there is possibilities to the others there abusive language to the others so here I feel that at we should stop advising others

We should stop advising recommending giving opinion instructing saying demanding commanding telling others

we should stop for one and all we should stop for all we should stop his father we should stop ultimately

So what we have to do if we are not giving instruction to the others how they will improve

Improving others is not your duty even it is not your cup of tea nobody will accept that I have made a mistake or I am at a fault and I should need improvement and nobody will make changes in himself drastically by just listening to others

in today's world everybody has he go I have come up with the people who has very less output or shows very less result but they feel themselves so great that without them this earth and this world will not survive or will not move

However the requirement of instruction is more need for yourself the person who is given instruction at all times

Nobody's perfect nobody achieve great success nobody that you use milestones there is always scope for improvement

there is no person no government no company no institute no organisation existed which can provide free meals to the all Indians let alone other population in other cities are countries other Nations but for even India nobody can provide food free meal free food free lunch and free dinner

So we have to learn earn from our self and we have to you earn for yourself and for your family and an for your society

So here it is clear that understand and accept that learning is great phenomena learning should happen with you and not with others should don't instruct don't advise others you should advise yourself your in your mind your inner mind your inner break your inner thoughts your inner behaviour your inner thinking

the day you start giving instruction to yourself and the day you start implementing that instruction the day you start recognising that what's happening with you how brain is trying to help you but if you understand this from that day next birth of us will start and you will almost about to get your success within very short period of time

Generally people look outside when they are giving instruction but don't look outside look inside because what is instruction you are giving to others others are improving if you want to improve you give instruction to the yourself advice to yourself opinion to USA review to yourself

there is growing major need that one should improve so I have to improve yourself have to install yourself you have to reply yourself

Yahoo to instruct yourself regarding timing management you have to introduce yourself regarding work management your to install yourself regarding other areas in which scope and improvement is needed in your career in your personal life

example you need improvement in communication you need improvement in health you need improvement in goal setting you need improving in target achievement problem solving so so there are lot of self instruction required to give self instruction to yourself

visionary lose out very important places time of us to giving destruction to the others when it is not require you just keep quiet and concentrate and focus on your work

if you work on this strategy you will get better option you will get better performance you will keep come you will you will have to keep quiet

Keeping quiet and keeping calm will help you in coming very good thoughts to your mind when a person is come person is quite that person get the maximum good thoughts

so instructions are required to give yourself for good thoughts for planning next and each and every resources and activity organising organising everything your every move right from your home to workplace to your friend to your boss to work ok excetra

everyday you have to keep improving there is no other option understand yourself and give instruction to yourself and keep on

Whatever instruction you are giving to yourself act on it this is most important people forget to adjust people think about it people have planned people have blueprint everything is there but act which is affected by other country will not happen if we don't act properly e from cli then will a positive will be

if we follow the instructions given by you us ourself or what the day will develop give instruction to our self you will achieve a lot of success huge success

the thing is nobody's perfect nobody wants to stop everybody has big vision big ambitious everything will go hand in hand everything will go smoothly just we had to be we have to be positive we have to be e someone who believes in future optimistic

so in this way I am sure we will improve will do the better things we will achieve target achieve success just give instruction to yourself not others this

Continuous improvement is required and you have to work on giving self instruction stop giving instruction to other you are losing out time giving safe instruction to yourself will automatically help you to take action automatically help you to start thinking or start your work as early as possible so give instruction to

give instruction to yourself and get the maximum benefit to eat for few days you will definitely get the solution for answer to your problems and most importantly way to the success

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