Sunday 14 April 2019

5 minutes theory

 Five minutes theory

we always have because big ambitions and to complete this big goals and big ambition we have to work a lot

So working a lot is required to let you go
We could not a true because of big ambitions if we are not busy I would mind always try to remain busy

mind is always busy confuse an hour to do uncomfortable and extra work mind is actually hate to work

What mystic we do is be Oberlin our mind with lot of instructions and lot of work

Mine doesn't accept lot of work and it doesn't accept be over to Berlin

if you tell mind lot of work you do not like send but if you don't mind small work easier and a chewable work it will accept
 In 5 minutes to TV how made the use of this for military

in 5 minutes teddy we have used this Terry or formula as a basis principal

if you still made a simple work for next 5 minutes evil easily except and he will easily element is that work is really related to your goals object use and Target and division
so you should able to handle your mind with gear because if you loaded him with not of work that let me not be accomplished mine you will give him small world that work he will accept

what's the working started at & accepted by the mind it will be understood why the mind that the word keys easy you can do it and then mind will not stop it but in the initial face in the starting mind is not able to

example every year we do the resolution dad will go and drain the gym but after few days we don't even start yet if we go and pay the money we will discontinued after one of two days this is the classic example

meaning of artwork not get started or not comfortable completed because of the decision only because we ordered and mind and let not keep mine comfortable uncomfortable mind hesitate to do it and keep on postponing

the best invention in the century is that you can food your mind and get your work done so you can change that didn't of your mind you can consider mind and make use of mind

so each and every activity which you think that is impossible or very difficult nice to be starting doing slowly

so mind accept simple easy and systemic things which can be completed even in short. Of time so this is the five minute 30 or principal can be used to start your word or complete your word or more make the word more enjoyable

lot of time it happens that we decide to do some work but cannot do it because of our laziness and around attitude

good word done from the mind. Specific principal that is 5-minute 30 or bye muse principal ridges just giving proper instruction to the mind that the work is easy work is simple you can do it and lesbian and we must read as

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