Thursday 25 April 2019



 10 days vacation in Japan

10 days public holidays announced in Japan in celebration of of announcement of name of New king

Japanese government is giving 10 days public holidays for all its citizen

These holidays are given in the the celebration of of announcement of New King

From 27 April 26 may 20 days there will be a public holiday your vacation in Japan

It is estimated that 662000 Japanese people will go to foreign tours

This is the first time that Japanese people we'll go out of country for celebrating vacation
In Tokyo every third household family members r going for vacation
Maximum people prefer to go out of the country for tour

However 2.5 crores people will visit domestic places in Japan only

In this 10 days Japanese will spend 66000 crore rupees

Japanese people are known for their long hours working quality output

35% people have agreed that they are happy and they will celebrate these 10 days by visiting various places

There has been increase ok 6.9% visitors compared to last year

Domestic tourist have also increase in 2%
Maximum Japanese people visiting European countries

Few people like to go for Cruise option

Few people want to visit South Korea Huawei Singapore Taiwan Thailand extra places

One single Japanese tourist will spend on an average 500000 rupees in these 10 days why in domestic vacation it will be 50000 rupees for 10 days in Japan

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