Saturday 13 April 2019

How to Find way to Success

Very people IC is not what on the right track to don't know where to spend time I don't know how to go for other they don't know which one is tree right track which one is the right path and which one is the right method so I give the thought what after thinking so much which I found the best way to approach any think is is I have written next it should be taken as a positive and and welcoming move because it is just an attend from my side to come to you close the reality and the mental state of a person why we cannot able to reach to the solution and why he cannot able to reach to a girl objective in very short period of time in correct most appropriate way

In the first place
Starting with curiosity understanding creativity innovative things aur innovations then action performance possibilities perfection continuous evaluation and controlling and conclusion

so you are the steps if anybody follows will definitely reach to a go to their objective to a success as far as my understanding of our brain or person or things happenings surrounding if we follow this part will achieve a good amount of success

Curiosity a person should have curiosity to learn new things person must be curious to find out solution person must be curious to find out new path person must be curious to set high target

Understanding what is understanding about what is happening why it is happening what will be happening and if certain things are favourable and certain things are unfavourable if certain things happen and if certain things not happen these understanding should be clear the more you have better understanding of the the surrounding and yourself and cause and result relationship you will come to close to the success way to the success

Here I am not trying to you reach to the success I am I am trying to develop part to reach to the success way to reach to success Because success can be many for or everybody success meaning is different for everybody success target is different but I want to develop one way one part one method one system one understanding one track if we follow that we will get success or we will get that way to the success

So understanding must be there to have understanding you must keep quiet think over it and have appropriate positive attitude and and how to solve the problem

Creativity person should have creativity person should able to find out more and more option person should be able to find out which option is better one person should be able to to learn through various ways person should able to think over various aspects various angles various moves various impact and virus consequences various factor influencing particular think then only we will be doing progress in creativity face

After creativity innovation you should come up with the new innovative ways of doing things achieving success so you should be come come up with the new new ways to the success so we have to find out one way one track to success but I am talking hear about your personal success so you should be able to find out correct way innovative way to the success it should not be ordinary it should be something different something unique it may be as simple as that it may be straight direct shortcut for sum combination

Action now you have innovative think with you you should able to act promptly you should not delay the things you should have a proper schedule you should have a proper timing you should be motivated to take action you should be motivated to finish the action as early as possible


After action continuously you should perform better while performing your past experience will help you new learning things attitude will help you performance is a thing which you have to enjoy while working and you should continuously give better performance you should not be given excuses or you should not commit errors first error is ok but second repeatation of the error is not accepted


After performance there are various possibilities so we should not restricted to our goals objective or targets we should also think for the society for the larger goals for the humanity and for the the next future generation so possibilities are many and possibilities are numerous infinite infinite so we will benefit from the the understanding of various possible ways various possible benefits from our hard work


perfection is important perfection means you have to perform the things without error you should know each and every step you should know where II errors will happen you should know various mistakes happen you should have Thoreau understanding because you are the one who is fighting with others all the fighting with the system to get it correct and mind you if you perform without error people will respect you like anything

Continuous evaluation

we should continuously evaluate ourself we should continuously evaluate monitor every step is stage and continuously v assign a locate new targets continuously we review our performance continuously we should discuss we should understand we should appreciate we should given up thought deep thinking is required for continuous evaluation we should underestimate our performance that is ok but don't underestimate power performance optimal use of thinking of human use of time efforts is required in the success of finding way to success for getting the success

so as we mentioned earlier it is curiosity understanding creativity innovative things for innovation action performance possibilities than perfection in continuous evaluation this is the sequence if somebody is following the sequence getting way to success is very easy but do it honestly do it seriously do it in ethical way do it holistically do it it as a duty you are doing it duet religiously

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