Monday 29 April 2019



It will be e costlier to purchase property in greater Noida
Noida authority is going to increase 15% prices in all realestate products

In greater Noida properties rate will be different for different circles
It will be costlier in greater Noida to purchase property

Residential sector should be divided into a b c d

Greater Noida authority is working hard on increasing prices of real estate

Sub registrar office has ask the rates of all the sectors and all the circles

Greater Noida authority has 7000 crores of loan

Greater Noida authority has to pay to 2.5 crore interest everyday

Because of that there will be increase in property rate by 15 percent

This proposal will keep in front of committee in the month of May
Right now there is same rate it applied for all the circles

So it will be difficult for a person who is purchasing plot or flat

That's why authority e will divide service sector into 4 groups

Old old actors will have more rate and new sectors will have less rate

Hindi sectors property rate will be different different for different circle rate

Right now in all the sectors of greater Noida rate is 23100 rupees per square metre

Residential property e rate 23100 square metre

Group Housing 28230 square metre

Commercial property 46190 square metre

Institution of property 8700 - 1500 square metre

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