Sunday 14 April 2019

MI problems

MI  Problems

MI is India's number one smartphone brand but it has got so many problems with it will see that one by one in our next article

First problem is flash sale MI prepares aur manufactures so many great smartphones but the problem is they sell it to flash flash sale and those who want to purchase that mobile cannot able to purchase it through flash sale so there is a chances of black marketing and customer getting that phone at higher process and it's very difficult to get the phone at the customer red MI note 5 and MI Note 6 5 pro

This flashlight problem keeps happening and keep keep unsolved till the the mobile Gates older all the device getting older and afterwards a better devices launch in the market so nobody want to purchase this old device supply cell is the most problematic area for MI

Software update as you know that MI UI 10 is updated but this update will come slowly slowly
So it will take 6 months to get update by smartphones it will come to the each and every mobile by 2018 year end or by 2019 year end
So MI is giving preference to the MI UI language for OS and not to the Android OS

 after sales service is next big problem with MI
Post sales services in next big problem with a mi

in some areas it takes 30 to 45 days to get repaired the phone or to get the sales spare part and in some areas it will take 5 to 6 days but major metro cities like Delhi Mumbai you will get it in one day Elsa but but geographical if you see there are used differences in rural area there is lot of problem getting spare parts and not easily the phone is getting repaired so not at every place after sales service is good for MI if they keep after sale service good at each and every place it will be a great experience

MI phones prices are continuously increasing

MI launch phone with higher prices like redmi y2 launch with 10000 rupees but earlier launch was from basic prices from 9000 rupees they are increasing their price but they are providing value for money so it is not a major problem

MI increases the prices of this smartphone after launch only Apple is increasing its price after launch but other smartphone companies in India and other countries not increasing their prices after launch infect their decreasing their prices after launch

Even Samsung does not increase its prices after launch infect the decrease

MI launchers there phone list in India and more in China MI has more number of product line but and their launching more number of smartphones but only selected smartphones they are launching in India instead we don't see any reason not to launch all the smartphone in India there by m I will generate lot of revenues and m i will generate lot of profit

Example MI Note 3 never came to India and it was there in China launch

Redmi pro launching in China and not in India is another example

MI mix 2S is another phone smartphone launch in China but not in India by MI

MI broads only one flagship product in India per year MI launches only one good product of their in India throughout the year

MI 8 may come to the India but possibility is very less

In India MI launching only smartphone but in China they have other products also like accessories laptop and other electrical products like MI television launch in China there are various brands sorry models of TVS launch in ChinaMI notebook is also not launched in India but in launch in China gaming laptops is another example is available in China but not in India by the time MI bring these products to India maybe some other companies bring it and it will be come older technology launch by MI after sometime so am I should be cautious about all these loopholes in their business socialization is those products and models their launching MI launching in China should be launched in India simultaneously like laptop with same price then he will get a lot of sales and railways

MI has not brought even MI drone to the India

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