Sunday 14 April 2019

Smartphone copying iPhone or apple

Have you thought of every smartphone manufacturing company why is copying Apple company

Example face unlock vertical dual camera and many more features headphone jack
When Apple iPhone removed headphone jack everybody is started removing headphone jack show me oppo vivo everybody is following Apple from everywhere headphone jack is removed and other companies are also copying Apple software also or vivo one touch OS is also copied from Apple

Many companies are copying apples feature that face unlock ok 3D special scanning technology

Oneplus 6 is completely inspired by iPhone 10 seems to be they have also removed fingerprint scanner from iPhone like iPhone

Why every companies falling Apple smartphone before we know why people are copying Apple we should know what is the sale of the iPhone in 2018 5 crore iPhone was soldwhen there is new iPhone the sale of the iPhone increases tremendously in use number in large number in 2017 when the new iPhone launch then 77 million that means 7 crore 70 lacs iPhone 5 years old other companies not even 10% there they could sell the their smartphone

Other companies cannot able to segment in percent of iPhone they don't have sales one tenth of iPhone oneplus 6 took 26 days to reach 1 million number in cells and in case of iPhone day 1 they will have more than the cell of 1 million too much the iPhone sales it's impossible for other competitors the more important for them or more easiest way for them to copy iPhone iPhone adaptor the way iPhone and Apple are doing just copy them that is the simplest way for them and those people like in iPhone these features are copied by others smartphone so they are not copying hundred percent Apple iPhone features there copying just those features who are like by the people of the customer

oneplus 6 is that's why it is more popular because those who cannot able to afford the iPhone they are purchasing oneplus 6 11 + 6 is also good phone and that designs inspired by iPhone Apple

show the logic for the preference of the smartphone company is to just follow the iPhone not to take the risk just follow what I phone is doing if that is accepted by the customer just do it copy paste like apple not every company can take the risk because many of them are very small and iPhone is Apple is very big

those companies who are copying iPhone not have to spend too much of money research research and development so there selling their phone at very less price so customer like to purchase these phones who looks like apple and has features like apple

Apart from Apple Samsung is a company who can do innovation and who is doing innovation and even if any product face they can manage it they can manage the losses and this is the only company who can give tough competition to iPhone and whenever these features are brought to the customer to buy the Samsung many of them they got the success so some originality is there in Samsung

Samsung brought the phablet big screen smartphones so that was big success and followed by others so that was great innovation Apple also copied from the Samsung and started doing it same thing

Companies which are copying the features of the other mobile are mostly Chinese companies like like oppo vivo show me

in China earlier there was only iPhone everybody was purchasing iPhone every second person was having iPhone

in China there was huge sale of Apple earlier but oppo vivo show me this company copied the features and copied we look also external appearance and external look also the copy so everybody started purchasing oppo vivo show me because of less price and now Apple sales has decreased considerably it is not as per the expectation

Chinese companies has gone one step ahead and their also copied the operating system IOS and they have given a same thing same programming same language and same icons and same type of features in type of user interface and same type of convenience as there in iPhone

Chinese Chinese companies copied iPhone to that extent it is looking like a clone of a similar coffee of iPhone and this strategy they followed in other countries also in the mood to the other countries for the global sales day use this formula any in other countries also customer try to purchase these less price copied iPhone from Chinese brands so these Chinese companies are inspired from the Apple for iPhone

To some extent this is right strategy because not every company can invest their money to the extent Apple is investing and not to take big risk of failure

sometime this company also come up with the innovative good feature like under display fingerprint recognition sliding camera bezel less display

these companies cannot match or never will match the cells of the iPhone so their strategy of following iPhone copying features from iPhone will remain as it is in the future also and this train will you will see the future also

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