Sunday 14 April 2019

80/20 principle

80/20 principle

80 20 rule 80/20 principle 80/20 principle says that 80% of things are responsible for 20% of the result and 20% of the things are result are responsible for 80% of result that means

it is not like if we take more efforts we will get more success or more results more output more performance

There are some particular areas if we focus on those areas are there tax formulas for the way of doing things if we know we will achieve 80% of the success

dear I want to say that we have to focus on 20% of the efforts which we have to take which way which are important in that particular field which are necessary to get the result 80%

The problem is people focus on 80% of non important thing which will give which will give only 20% of the result so 80% of the efforts taken by the people will result only 20% output so people get disappointed dishearten and they don't believe on their hard work ok so ultimately that fails

80/20 principle is very important to understand where our efforts should go for what is correct way of doing things

80% of the wealth is is occupied or or earned by 20% of the people

In the world 20% of the people are intelligent and 80% of the people are ordinary

in an organisation 20% of the people as a manager are in top management and raised 80% are ordinary employees or executive

in the word 20% of the countries are clean and 80% of the countries are dirty and not clean

In the word 20% of the countries are developed and 80% of the countries are developing or underdeveloped for poor

20% of the cities are responsible for 80% of the population and raised 80% cities are not that populated or there is no problem of population so words major part is not densely populated and only minor part of the world are densely populated

for pollution it is the same thing 20% of the countries that 20% of the cities are responsible for the pollution of 80% of the world

so here I want to say 20% of the efforts will show you 80% of the result so we have to identify what are these 20% of the efforts and so that we can work in the right direction and we can work in less time we can work efficiently and effectively so that we can sole achieve our target goals objective and ambitions

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