Friday 12 April 2019

Pepsico success story

 Pepsi company has got 125 years of long history

Year 1894 to year 1921 brad's drink founded Pepsi is first variant

In your 1894 bradham scientist was working in North Carolina New York and he prepared drink ok in his lab and whenever someone used to visit him he used to you give him this drink at
Brandhams pharmacy

This drink is is liked by so many people this thing become very very famous that people start discussing and talking about it and and happily used to say it is brad's drink

In 1892 brands decided to give this drink a name and he gave name Pepsi cola

name Pepsi was given because this drink contain pepsin which is helpful in digestion of proteins or it is ingredient and used to treat dysplasia that is in digestion and the cola name was given because Coca-Cola was market leader and it has got great taste and 2 who resemble the similarity between Coca-Cola and brad's drink the name Pepsi cola was given

similarly Coca-Cola also founded by person who was working in a pharmacy and he collected we mix syrup pus coca leaf and kola nut and it has got great combination and that's what test is unique

People used to think that it is one of the variant of coca cola that's why the name Pepsi cola was given but actually their ingredients are totally different but people started liking Pepsi cola

Then Brad decided to give 25 people 25 distributor a Pepsi cola franchise in various States

Pepsi cola sale was very less compared to Coca-Cola cell and well being the market leader was enjoying all benefits

But they started doing consider business
 : In 1914 when world war 1 started sugar prices started increasing due to world war 1 they started maintaining their business but continuously Pepsi cola was making losses in 1923 company went bankrupt because of high prices of sugar they also offered their company e to b bought by coca cola rejected that offer

Caleb  bradam sold this company to Roy mega Gill
Roy was behind Pepsi cola company to make it profitable but within this 8 years company did not making profit and was not working perfectly in USA there was this history's biggest stock market loss because of which again Pepsi went bankrupt Roy did not could not able to health tips so in this way for the second time second time it was decided to 20 to sold to kovalam rejected the offer as it was final that Pepsi cola is about to bankrupt and close down and nobody will remember Pepsi cola after cola

But in the future something happened which was not believable that it Pepsi cola became so successful company that it started giving competition to the Coca-Cola and became the biggest competitor of Coca-Cola and became the second biggest food and beverage company

Then Pepsi went to the the person whose name is Charles he was selling Candy but he purchase Pepsi cola company
  Charles has Candy store at his Candy store he was feeling Coca-Cola he was feeling large amount of that he was decided that I will not buy from the middle men Coca-Cola and I will buy from the only
So that he will get volume discount
  When he approached Coca-Cola company that company strictly I said no not possible charge did not like this thing he got very angry
He decided not to sell cocokola at any of his store at this time it was very tough decision financial because each store sells at his store sells Coca-Cola used to contribute a lot
But he could take that decision because she also have one more options with them that is Pepsi cola

he decided and spoke with Roy that I am ready to invest into Pepsi cola company and will together reproduce and this Pepsi cola drink

Dinshaws decided to to put one such ingredient after which the test will closely match the Google test

Even if after taking the such a decision Pepsi cola was not ceiling as Coca-Cola was sold at ji Candy store

Charles taken a radical decision Coca-Cola used to who sold at five cents and quantity was 150 ml Charles double the quantity that is for 5 cent customer will get 300 ml so that taste of Pepsi cola coca cola was almost similar and customer was getting double the amount and quantity so they preferred Pepsi
Then Pepsi cola cup with the jungle which was saying that Pepsi cola hits the spot in 12 full gowns you will get lot and you will get get it for nickel II and Pepsi cola is drink for you

Because of this advertising it got viral in all the media internet TV print and sale was increased drastically behind this advertisement there is Walter 

After this Pepsi became so popular and so big company that it never stop and clear was 1940 in next 2 years Pepsi was on the track to become world's second largest food and drink beverage company

In next few years Pepsi portfolio portfolio became very very strong in 1965 there is merger with frito-lay in 1966 merger with doritos aur introduction of doritos in 1970 acquisition of Pizza hut then introduction of slice drink in 1990 there is collaboration between Unilever and pepsico and they started Lipton ice tea and and geographical expansion of pepsico happened Pepsi cola products are available in each and every part of the world after this incident took over the operation from 1995 honours and transfer the transform the company and double the revenue Indira nooyi became popular CEO in the history of pepsico

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