Tuesday 9 April 2019


Volkswagon Volkswagen this is not a ordinary car manufacturing company in Europe out of 4 sold car one of the car is from Volkswagen that means 25% market share Volkswagen has brands like Lamborghini Bentley Bugatti Audi Ducati the skoda except this company comes under Volkswagen brand If we translate Volkswagen from German to English that means the meaning is people's car Then it suits hundred percent because in 1931 the car manufactured the main aim was to provide cars transport facility to the German people civil people Ferdiand was was the first person and beta was the first car in the history of Volkswagen it was the the owners brainchild Owner Ferdinand was born in Czech republic and he was democratic and believing in giving freedom to people he was very skilled person and intelligent person open minded When your teenager he he created kar he prepared on manufacture aur created worlds firstfront wheel car Because of his good design this design was elected for automotive car and for plane and so civilian Cars aircraft engine also hi design please dangers for the Austria You also prepared world's first electric hybrid car In those days it was considered that car is for the rich people like Ford manufacture p cars in America Ferdinand wanted 2 who manufacture rear engine car in Europe but he tried to convince financer II II finance for this company but but he could not succeed so East wanted to start his own company Ferdinand now after establishing his own company now has good control over decision making he observed that in Europe up cars are tall and there was no aerodynamic You wanted to prepare a car who looks like good and slim and affordable car you wanted some financial help from somewhere but again failed to gather some money in 1933 this problem comes to an end his friend help him out and introduce with his another friend his name was Adolf Hitler Hitler was then chancellor of Germany and he was the leader of Nazi that time it was possessed to show the word what is nazizm and why ASM is superior to prove his idea as there was only one one way that is engineering Yeah I know that in next coming racing season if a company any company in Germany bills are superior car we will give some amount of money So in that racing season Volkswagen created dominated the other automobile companies German government then place an order to manufacture three types for the car and and because of this Volkswagen beetle was inverted or created Beta was not manufacture for the speed of beauty Cars manufacture to give hundred kilometre speed and price of 290 US dollar There is only one purpose of this car to economically and reliability move people from one place to another place This response was given to the Volkswagen This beetle car godlike order but nobody was knowing that word is going to check or will be no trouble in 1939 Hitler acquired who defeated the Poland and then what to search started beetle car where just in phase of manufacturing and was not delivered to anybody even a single car Germany was bankrupt and focusing on just world war please started preparing for manufacturing car for the army or defence and was preparing vehicles for the military because factory was preparing cars and equipments for the army it was major bombing target for an image in 1945 world war ended but by that also a factory was completely devastated or broken down it was known then there was a bomb in the factory if it could have blasted defective when is destroyed and today may not be the Volkswagen factory in existence another sad thing is the owner of the Volkswagen car for dinner was jailed due to he was helping German especially Nazi Hitler Adolf Hitler One European military person took over the beetle manufacturing in Volkswagen and beetle started manufacturing cars beetle where to manufacture for the German post office service That time food company had an opportunity to purchase Volkswagen at free free of cost but but for denied that I don't want to purchase because they think that this is bankrupt company and it is of no use and there is no future in 1948 there was no direct involvement of Ferdinand but company started Then after this Fortuner on another project ka 286 Ferdinand then came out of the jail and see his project was alive he saw the beetle but after 1 year year he died Then which was restricted to Europe countries because it was very difficult to sale beetle in USA America wanted to have large and powerful car and not the small and cheap car so owner started giving honest and good advertisement good promotion to American people for the intention of buying In USA that time instead of getting one Jaguar a person can purchase 3 beetle car so it was very good for the customer when America saw the beetle they started liking it and then Jaguar become very unpopular brand beta got the word wide global recognition because of higher standard engineering and quality after that we will reach to 10 lakh production and sale after that Volkswagen and acquired Audi in 1965 but in 1973 also increased was less then also I started generating for manufacturing new generation card golf or Polo then Volkswagen acquired seat in 1988 Bentley acquired and Lamborghini Bentley acquired then also I can acquired skoda and his brand then they acquired Italian design house then the purchase Ducati then presence of the Volkswagen was increase in automobile industry automobile sector in 2016 its market value was 63 billion dollar and its market share in Europe is maximum 2015 Volkswagen reduce 9.9 million cars every minute companies manufacturing 19 cars it is the second largest manufacturer of the car afterToyota cars Company has 340 subsidiaries Volkswagen also acquired trucks and policy it has got 340 subsidiaries 110000 employees it has got

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