Thursday 11 April 2019



When you think of drinking water we call bisleri specifically whenever we think of packaged drinking water to be purchase we prefer the brand bisleri with think we recall we remember bisleri strikes to your mind bisleri has strange story to tell you Bisleri is India's first package water bottle product as it is pioneer product in Indian market It is is decided that bisleri we will be marketed to sell packaged drinking water but but people new and remember bisleri for the soda bisleri soda because in selling packaged drinking water bisleri did not get any success success in initial days then bisleri company was bought purchased by the Parle Company initially company was popular for the bisleri soda but right now now after acquiring bisleri by Parle today de

 Today bisleri is the the biggest packaged drinking water brand Bisleri has 40% market share of 7000 crore approximately Indian packaged drinking water industry initially and Italian businessman cigna police bisleri started this company he was a chemistry an interviewer and businessman Initially bisleri was malaria drug manufacturing company they have small set up to manufacture to produce Malaria medicines and it has got small land in Mumbai In 1965 first plant was set up in Mumbai for the manufacturing of packaged drinking water That time people were thinking that who will bring packaged drinking water for one rupees that time one rupees is also very big amount that time there was very bad quality water is supplied to the Mumbai City Dr roses from bisleri company where thinking that this concept will be a big success in the future then and the launch two products of bisleri in the market one is bisleri water and second is bisleri soda Initially bisleri water is sold more in restaurant hotel and local market Selling packaged drinking water did not get much success in initial days because of this the owner of the company e did not want to continue this company On the other hand Parle Company with its product thumbs up goldspot limca want to sale soda in the market

Parle Company wanted to launch new solar product in the market Owner of the Parle Chauhan brothers where familiar with the the owner of the bisleri company and they came to know that owner of the bisleri company wanted to sell his company Parle Company Rajasthan launching their own product and new company they a purchase bisleri company and decided to sell the product soda with bisleri name only and not other name in 1969 bisleri company was bought by the parlour for rupees four lakh only that time this amount was a big amount but for the Parle Company it was negligible amount they did not think twice for this deal owner of the bisleri company always regretted for the decision he had make in 1969

 Initially when Parle Company decided to sell the soda and the brand of bisleri was not keen in selling packaged drinking water but after the research Parle Company came to know that at railway station and crowded places there is lack of safe packaged drinking water clean packaged drinking water and people purchasing plain soda at these crowded places and drinking soda rather than drinking water Parle Company thought that if we make available packaged drinking water at these crowded places like railway station bus stop then we could provide customers a good safe clean drinking water so that they wanted to produce or manufacture save clean drinking water at large scale or at large aaj amount Because of good brand promotion and packaging bisleri brand became a big hit in the market for packaged drinking water Because of this there are so many brands in the market for packaged drinking water bisleri has more than 40% market share Initially it was water bottle glass water bottle but later on it converted to plastic water bottle right now there are 50 manufacturing facilities and 1.5 lakh dealers are there in the market in India so this is the journey of water packaged drinking water brand bisleri

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