Saturday 9 March 2019


Positioning of the Cadbury
Why Cadbury is so successful India Why Cadbury has more market share in chocolate segment Why Cadbury entered into each and every age group market How a company should grow in difficult situation *******************************************************************************
Gravely talk about January supposedly *******************************************************************************
Today we will talk about cadburys positioning Cadbury any City was a health drink It was prepared from Bally milk sugar and such material At the end there used to be a solid substance in viscous form The manufacturer that don't understand what to do with this material Utilise the best they started preparing chocolate And chocolate introduced to the world buy Cadbury *******************************************************************************
Cadbury was initially famous in European and US countries In India it introduced in 1948 After that small children started eating chocolates But gradually the market stagnant or saturated Cadbury wanted to grow themselves if there was a small company or small mindset they might have stopped at the children market But they wanted to grow The targeted youth and adult adlucent market *******************************************************************************
They introduced giving chocolate by girlfriend to boyfriend and bar from boyfriend to girlfriend Exchange of chocolates in a very pleasant manner make this market very lucrative and profitable company not stop themselves here they started growing in another market as a family market *******************************************************************************
now everybody in the family be the old age middle age adolescence children everybody is eating chocolate in the family in India Now they wanted to grow themselves further This study Indian market and they found that on occasion on festivals people distribute sweets Cadbury wanted to be a sources associated with the festival and sweets Cadbury wanted themselves to be associated with sweets and festival they increase their promotional market advertising market or budget and the heavily bombarded festival word with Cadbury word and sweet word with Cadbury word *******************************************************************************
now people started exchanging sweets on festivals and on some important occasion when Cadbury introduced people should buy Cadbury on the 1st of every month when salary credited into their account so they advertise like that Cadbury associated themselves with salary now Slowly and gradually they increase their market share more than 50% *******************************************************************************
Then you get there chocolates are getting sold like hotcakes now the package this chocolates in blue colour packet The introduced silk Cadbury silk because they knew that some people wants of soft chocolate Some people want crispy in between chocolate so they introduced cracks and nuts they introduced kaju and badam chocolate *******************************************************************************
Then they introduced bubbly chocolate which give the flavour of more more and more chocolates Stolen gradually the heavily increase their sales increase their advertising budget and captured everything today in India Cadbury has biggest market share and it has become a very popular brand Cadbury tells us how to position well a brand should be and Cadbury also tells us how you can increase your market share you can enter into different different markets and you and you can understand the people well and fulfill the needs of the customers well Thanks Cadbury is very successful brand in India *******************************************************************************
There was a difficult situation when people found some worms in Cadbury *******************************************************************************
So Cadbury introduce aluminium foil on the Cadbury Cadbury communicated that their products are safe Cadbury work and study hard to overcome this problem Cadbury come up with Amitabh bachchan to promote and influence people that their products are safe Cadbury give the guarantee of quality and safety of the product *******************************************************************************

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