Monday 18 March 2019


CAUSE MARKETING OR CAUSE RELATED MARKETING *******************************************************************************
Cause marketing or cause related marketing *******************************************************************************
cause marketing or cause related marketing is a marketing done by the organisation which is generating profit and organisation which is not generating profit NGO with their cooperative and cognitive activities for mutual benefits *******************************************************************************
This time is mistakenly used for any other social work which is done by the organisation *******************************************************************************
sometimes NGO for non profit organisation they do in house marketing that is also mistakenly considered as cause marketing *******************************************************************************
Many times people you donation charitable donations and some work to save tax and some binding rules and regulation by the government Cause marketing is marketing not necessarily based on the donation *******************************************************************************
Cause related marketing spending is increasing in US corporate word *******************************************************************************
Industries in USA day by day they are increasing their cause related marketing budget 1.11 billion dollars rs paint in 2005 and distributed 1.34 billion dollars will be spent in 2006 in 2007 1.85 billion dollars will be spent in 2015 it is estimated 1.92 billion dollars *******************************************************************************
NGOs are increasingly leveraging this cause related marketing concept Union America survey was done that age group 13 to 25 they are ready to switch the brand if the letter brand is associated with one good good cause related marketing *******************************************************************************
the same study also indicated that people are ready to work for the company which is associated with the cause related marketing or which is doing cause related marketing organiser socially responsible company this will be increase in qualite manpower in USA trend is increasing that customers are purchasing or they are associated their purchase decision and buying decision with the cause related marketing *******************************************************************************
It is also seen that a terrorist attack on the empire state has changed the mindset of the citizen of USA and from them before that AC and after that people are purchasing cause related marketing associating themselves with the society Companies also there by generating profit due to cause related marketing *******************************************************************************
In the cause related campaign in American Express company companies of 17% increase in new users and 20% increase in card usage usage and 28% *******************************************************************************
Benefits *******************************************************************************
Positive public relations Improve customer relations additional marketing opportunities and making more money this happens because purchase or buying decision gives customer feel of philanthropist for socially responsible person even if you are buying small shoes pair of shoes is a small matter for us but the trust people are keeping on the company who is involved in cause related marketing differs from rest of the companies 78% customers are saying that the company which is profit making and company which is not profit making NGO if they are mutually helping cause this to company will stand out from others add it will develop loyalty from the consumers *******************************************************************************
Due to cause related marketing price of the product is increases Problem is only 19% people are ready to buy a product if it is price to more than regular product and that company is involved in c cause related marketing *******************************************************************************
Consumers are also not sure that companies doing and involved in cause related marketing or just it is show off People should be inform and fund used should be transparent and all the dealings should be transparent in cause related marketing when they are helping that particular cause *******************************************************************************
Cause related marketing can take on on menu forums like transactional campaign sharing a message in social media making a purchase Point of sale campaign Consumers are asked to round off their purchases Consumers are asked to donate $1 when they are in line in stores *******************************************************************************
Message focus campaign Champion can change the behaviour or an suggested 2 change the behaviour don't drink and drive don't text and drive don't use mobile while driving talk with your elderly about driving medicine to save else from captivity Behaviour change *******************************************************************************
Example *******************************************************************************
In 2007 Colgate Palmolive together with smith family initiated give a child smile initiative in that they initiated a campaign where they communicated having good oral health and getting smile because of good oral health They also donated some sent from each unit of purchase to Smith family so that they can take development initiative *******************************************************************************

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