Sunday 3 March 2019


Goal planning Goal planning is must if you want to achieve something you must have goals everyday write goals on plane seat on plane paper and put that paper in a file every minute every second you write goals what next goal planning is important because goal will motivate you to do some action or to act accordingly Writing goal will put you on the right track goal writing is very easy whenever you think of anything to achieve or if you can do something different aur if you have any creative Idea any want to make it success that is your goal and write down it Most people they make mistake that they don't write goals If you don't write goals your memory will be a short and you will forget that thing so no achievement after that after few minutes few days you will forget that Bye writing goals you will streamline those goals and achieve those goals immediately Writing goals means preparing plan also writing goals will always benefit you as you are on the right track as everything is planned everything is discuss everything is thought of everyday you get 18000 seconds or more and you can generate at least 20000 ideas or 15000 ideas so out of 15,000 ideas you lost lot of ideas because you don't write them so you lost the ideas because you don't write them so good writing is this more and more important writing goals will put you ahead of others you will have an edge over others you have you will have advantage or others if you don't like any goal if by mistake you have written wrong gone you can always crack you can always cancel it Writing goals will be a systematic scientific work in the right direction It's the result and output of writing goal is significantly good significantly appreciate table significantly profitable you just tried and check yourself many times there are some good habits like goal planning goal setting goal writing but we avoid it and make a heavy loss of US writing goals can do wonders writing goals can do lot of charismatic things for you just try it and check it

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