Monday 4 March 2019


FEAR OF FAILURE - SECRET BEHIND THE SUCCESS *******************************************************************************
Shahrukh Khan in his speech at his y e l e University stated that he has taken lot of struggle He was very afraid of failures Throat life he has seen failures In fact his father was big failure His mother could not stay longer with him So he was very much afraid of failure *******************************************************************************
He was more afraid of failure than then not being successful person New the consequences and he knew that they feel your will impact him badly he kept no stone unturned he has given his hundred percent to hundred percent thousand percent *******************************************************************************
There was no option left for him then successful he was he was fearing of being unsuccessful So what what he wants to tell that thinking about the value is not wrong *******************************************************************************
your dragon positively failures are good failures are there in your life you have to learn from the failures *******************************************************************************
And the secret behind success is fear of f a i l u r e *******************************************************************************
When a person has a fear in mind of failure it is more and more about the getting success you cannot afford to lose the battle you cannot afford to lose that work he will do everything which will make him success *******************************************************************************
so here learning is whenever you don't give any option to yourself your mind your brain they will try their 100% they will try their best they will try to get succes *******************************************************************************
So here I want to tell everyone minimise comfort level 2 your body get out of the comfort zone tell your brain tell your body tell your mind that there is no other option than getting successful for being successful then and then only you will get success *******************************************************************************
Shahrukh Khan has given a secret formula that fear of failure is important and fear of failure will result in will lead you will motivate you to think over it day and night to think over it various solutions of same problem to think over it from each and every angle or one aspect of the problem is not work try to find out better option try to use second option towards success ultimately you will get success *******************************************************************************

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