Sunday 17 March 2019


MANOHAR PARRIKAR *******************************************************************************
Today the entire Nation felt very sad because of sad demise of the great leader of India Manohar Parrikar He was an IIT engineer and then he became CM of Goa for 4 times He was defence Minister of India for quite some time and initially for the first time in the history of India he took a decision to destroy the terrorist spots in POK Pakistan Occupied Kashmir across the border He was the first one to decide & determine that India will go for the Surgical strike and Abolish and destroy the terrorist camp across the border. Since last few days He was very sick, still he was struggling and fulfilling his duties he was working when he was diagnosed as cancer and there was no further treatment *******************************************************************************
He took treatment from the Goa hospitals, then AIIMS Hospital New Delhi then in foreign hospitals but due to cancer he could not struggle fir more time but during his last days also he was working very hard for INDIA & GOA *******************************************************************************
Even when he was sick He was asking others while working that HOW IS THE JOSH. he was very transparent with his work and he was very honest person in his duties *******************************************************************************
HE was considered to be true leader and very close to the people. He was very simple person and he was having very less wealth compared to other political leaders. He was very intelligent as he graduated from the IIT Mumbai and whenever anybody goes to seek answer or the solution from him for any issue or just to discuss with him he was very intelligent to understand it within very short time. *******************************************************************************
Manohar parrikar was first BJP member to select as a CM of Goa He was RSS instructor, IIT Pass out , a defence minister , social worker &good friend He born in MAPUSA, GOA on 13 December 1955 joined the RSS at an early age in school he graduated from IIT Bombay return to RSS after that he was chief instructor in RSS in 1994 parikar join BJP bharatiya janata party. *******************************************************************************
In 1999 he was first selected in assembly *******************************************************************************
He was common man's CM, He was CM of Goa for 3 to 4 times before he was inducted into the cabinet or Central ministry as a Defence minister in his Able guidance, India carried out surgical strike in Pakistan occupied Kashmir and Myanmar *******************************************************************************
he finalised major defence contractor including multi billion dollar Raffle deal, Apache helicopters he was instrumental in roll out of OROP scheme - One rank One Pension Scheme Recently when in Goa, BJP and Congress fall short of majority manohar parrikar was again sent to Goa to save Goa he was then leading Goa coalition government In February 2019 Manohar Parrikar diagnosed with pancreatic cancer at the age of 63 he has two sons He holds the record that he was the first person to be IIT engineer and CM. he has good image will always be motivation for others He was very secular person *******************************************************************************

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