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Self development -Lesson number 51 -VISION MANAGEMENT:-
First of all find purpose or vision in your life
And to achieve that vision find teacher for mentor
Because person who has no teacher for mentor or guru you will destroy himself by going in the wrong direction
In achieving your your vision between you and your vision there are lot of problems there are a lot of hurdles obstacles issues limited resources you will have to overcome all this problems and you will need help and guidance
Achieving vision you will not have any direction any path road way
First of all find purpose or vision in your life
And to achieve that vision find teacher for mentor
Because person who has no teacher for mentor or guru you will destroy himself by going in the wrong direction
In achieving your your vision between you and your vision there are lot of problems there are a lot of hurdles obstacles issues limited resources you will have to overcome all this problems and you will need help and guidance
Achieving vision you will not have any direction any path road way
Person who is spending more time with his mentor will get work done in less resources in less time
Person who spent times with ordinary people with friends he will have poor time management risk management less emotional quotient fear management it and crisis management will be very poor and he will be confused most of the time
If you want to do something big in your life you will need knowledge knowledge
Knowledge and intelligence come with
1 your own experience
2 learning from others experience
By learning books and literature
Understanding this universe
Read autobiography
You will understand then
How people behave with other people
How society behave with the people
How people demoralize you
You must read history to understand what has happened in the past
History e will help in shaping future
When you are working on your vision listen to your voice coming from inside aur listen to your heart for your pulse
Whoever Masters politics of his heart will master others and achieve his vision
You don't understand your own self
You have to understand your heart
You hove to understand high and low of your mind
You understand front and back of your mind
How your mind is doing manuver
How your mind is behaving
When is getting angry
When he is getting pleased
You have to study on your own first
Then you will master others
You will understand others
You'll master mindset of others
When you will speak to others you will think how others will feel about speaking particular sentence
Until and unless you put things at the right place
You cannot able to take out more results with less resources
When you will completely understand yourself you will master the others
When you will understand yourself you will get conviction you will get power to take decisions
Good people will find out weakness in others and convert this sentence into strength and make capable others
There will be two types of people who will not understand themselves
First person who will shy I will not take decision aur action
Second person will boost himself and will do nothing
If something is your claim that it is yours and if something is not yours don't claim that
Most of the people find fault with others and they don't look at themselves
When you will respect others and worry about others when you will take care others like you are taking care of yourself then others will respect yourself
Always fight according to your potential
Always take opportunities as per your potential
Always select enemy as per your potential
Example person who is having 20 kilo weight should not fight with the person who is having 80/100 kilowt
People expecting god will help him in all the situation
Yes god will help you
But there are certain things which leads our techniques our potential
Our skills
Doing any work we need skills we have to develop that skills then only god will help us
Many a times people say a people think god will help me
But till date God has not help them
Where to ask question why God has not help us
First god is expecting us to do something to try and then God will respond
When people will advise you to achieve your vision they may not guide you properly
Some will say god will help you
Some Will you motivate you
Prioritise your life
Stop thinking about trivial issues which are not essential or necessary
When you have to achieve big vision you will have to to collect small small things and put together in right way
You don't have to to fight with each other
You don't have to blame everybody
Don't have to participate in every issue
You don't have to to get involved in every issue
You have to keep yourself aside from probable distractions, all the distractions
To win the war of life you will have you have to lose some battles
if you want to achieve big dream great achievement have to sacrifice small small things no issues don't regret for that
If you want to learn big thing in your life you have to sacrifice some pity small thing
Sometimes you have to take defeat sometimes you have to get failures it's OK to get you failed us to achieve big things
Sometimes people will reject you sometimes people will insult you but don't give answers immediately don't respond immediately don't reply immediately
There is time tourist spot there is time to reply there is time to to counter
You cannot fight with everyone you cannot fight with all you cannot respond to all all blames against you
When people are blaming you you don't have to respond you are to keep quiet universe will respond on behalf of you
How to keep quiet
Positive things in the universe will take your side and respond against the blame
Person is genious who has lot of good ideas
Genius person should make sure that you should not engage with anybody
Genius person should try to avoid himself from the problematic people
Don't fight with anyone
When you want to build big organisation you will need buyer to your idea financer friend worker good teams technical paper
Don't put yourself in problems
Don't focus on love affection they are just destruction and they will take you to Nowhere
You just focus on dream and achievement region you have in your life
Don't get tempted to anything
The time you will involved in all this things your work will stop
don't get involved don't get distracted with anything just focus on your vision and work
The whole this will be destroyed and perish because of destruction
If you want to make friendship if you want to connect with people connect with good people on mentor
Life is very sensitive
Don't take any risk right now first of all reach to very good position in your vision and then you can take risk
Try to resource out as maximum as possible
Don't get involved with anybody losing your vision management
Good warrior in life if will make friends to good person, good person to better person , better person will convert to best person create opportunities help them to win, enable encouraging
Bad warrior will make strangers to enemy and enemy to worst person
Bad warrior will destroy his idea
Will destroy his vision
When you are not achieving any target
Ask ok how how did I fail why did I did not get any seller or buyer why I am not winning how did I not influence others how did I not get any e mentor why did not produce any meaningful product
Something is wrong with us or you
People were not always wrong
Universe was not wrong in the history
This world has always supported person who has worked a lot
There must be something lacking in me which is stopping me from achieving vision
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